
Designed for long-term use from 6-12 months to, on average, 6 years, this seat stays installed in the vehicle for both rear and forward-facing use. Some convertible seats also offer booster modes (3-in-1 or All-in-One). We strongly recommend children remain rear-facing until reaching the seat's rear-facing limits.

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Lowest Price at Amazon - $162
Lowest Price at Amazon - $159
Lowest Price at Amazon - $149
Lowest Price at Amazon - $116
Lowest Price at Target - $179
Lowest Price at Babylist - $750
Lowest Price at Amazon - $159
Lowest Price at Amazon - $319
Lowest Price at Amazon - $335
Lowest Price at Amazon - $579
Lowest Price at Babylist - $559
Lowest Price at Amazon - $83
Lowest Price at Amazon - $299
Lowest Price at Walmart - $69
Lowest Price at Amazon - $349
Lowest Price at Amazon - $319
Lowest Price at Amazon - $74
Lowest Price at Amazon - $299
Lowest Price at Target - $307
Lowest Price at Babylist - $550
Lowest Price at Walmart - $349
Lowest Price at Target - $90
Lowest Price at Amazon - $399
Lowest Price at Walmart - $59
Lowest Price at Walmart - $59
Lowest Price at Babylist - $299
Lowest Price at Walmart - $112
Lowest Price at Target - $107
Lowest Price at Walmart - $149
Lowest Price at Target - $72
Lowest Price at Babylist - $499
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