The infant course

keep your baby safe. 

An online course designed to take you from confused to confident during your baby’s first year of car seat safety

95% of parents leave the hospital with their newborn baby unsafe in the car seat.



car seats are confusing.


You feel like you need an engineering degree to install.


You anxiously wonder if your baby is okay and if he can breathe.


You think you’re using the car seat right, but if we’re being honest, you’re really not sure.


You just want a guide to tell you what to do.

car seat overwhelm is normal.

We can help you navigate the fine print of car seats and keep your child safe.

hit the road with

peace of mind

learn car seat 101

You know you need to buy a car seat to keep your child safe in the car. But it’s more complicated than that. This course removes the mystery of car seat safety so you can travel with peace and confidence from the start.

install like an expert

Most parents think car seats are common sense. In reality, the majority of families are unknowingly putting their child at risk. Make sure you’re getting it right.

safely buckle your baby

Harnessing your baby into the car seat can feel like you’re wrestling an octopus and losing. Get a step-by-step harnessing how-to. And when your baby grows, you’ll know what adjustments to make.

these mamas know

Join the thousands of parents and caretakers who are traveling car seat confident.

“When my first grandbaby was born, I knew car seats had changed significantly since her mother was born in the 80s! I found Michelle’s course and brushed up on everything I needed to know so that I can help my daughter know that everyone is in good hands at Grandma’s house!”

Debbie H.

“I was terrified to drive anywhere with my newborn. We’d wait for my husband to come home so he could drive us to the grocery store. It was awful. But after watching the course, the information really helped me put things in perspective! I’m confident that I’ve buckled my baby in correctly and installed the car seat! Your Instagram content and Facebook community helps me feel so confident, too! Now we go everywhere together — the grocery, the library, the Y! The world is ours! Thank you for giving us this freedom, Michelle!”

Jessie C.

the infant course is your gps to peace of mind  

discover what’s covered

Five on-demand modules designed to build your confidence


How does a car seat protect my child?


Discover what actually happens in a car crash (scary, but important!)


Get the low-down on how seat belts save lives 


Learn how cars keep adult-size bodies safe


How long will my child be in a car seat?


Get the full car seat safety roadmap so you know what’s ahead


Discover features unique to infant car seats to get the most out of yours


Understand the importance of rear-facing and the safety move to avoid


How do I install my infant car seat?


Get to know your car seat and your vehicle for the safest connection


Learn how to land on the right vehicle seating position


Understand all the different ways to install a car seat


Watch-and-learn installation techniques with step-by-step video demos


Know what installation success means and tricks for getting it right


How do I harness my baby in their car seat?


Get hands-on and learn how to safely position and buckle your baby


Practice your technique as I guide you through a harnessing how-to


Learn about several fit adjustments to customize your infant car seat


Discover what to keep an eye on as your baby grows and what to do when 


What do I need to know that I didn’t even think to ask?


Discover critical details that could impact your child’s safety


Get access to videos explaining my most frequently asked questions


Learn about car seat care, aftermarket products, safety on the go, risks and hazards, and my best problem solving tips and tricks 

Frequently asked questions

Is The Infant Course right for me?

This course was designed and thoughtfully created for anyone. Everyone – moms, dads, aunts, uncles, nannies, grandparents, healthcare providers, caretakers of any kind who are interested in brushing up their safety skills or are learning for the first time. Car seats are not intuitive. The Infant Course is the result of my love for supporting a diverse community of caretakers who are passionate about keeping babies safe and are overwhelmed by all there is to know.

Wherever you fall in your journey, I’ll guide you through all there is to know about infant car seats and leave you feeling like a superhero full of lifesaving information. I hope you’ll join me in building your car seat confidence.

Will you just tell me what car seat to buy?

The Infant Course will help you know why and how to use your infant seat, not what seats to shop for. If you’re looking for a shopping list, head over to our Car Seat Buying Kits and select the stage of car seat you’re in the market for. There, I’ll help you know which car seat to buy!

Can't I just go to the fire station or police station or ask the nurse at the hospital for help when the time comes?

Most fire stations DO NOT have a nationally certified child passenger safety technician on staff. Nor do hospitals. Pediatricians and nurses are often not trained in car seat safety—it is just not part of their medical training. I don’t want you to drive to a fire or police station or a hospital expecting help with your car seat. The best-intentioned police officers, firefighters, doctors, and nurses are vital to our communities, but that doesn’t mean by default  that they are experts in car seat safety. If your quest for peace of mind requires additional support, as a nationally certified child passenger safety technician, I want to help. The Infant Course will give you everything you need to know.

Is all this information available on your @SafeintheSeat Instagram page or for free on the internet?

Like anything else, some information included in this course is available in bits-and-pieces on Instagram, or you may even find what you’re looking for after countless hours of Google searches. I created this course for you as a fellow mom and nationally certified child passenger safety technician to put an end to the maddening, time-consuming search for information. I want you to have everything you need in a single place. You deserve that sanity and peace of mind! I’ve worked soooooo hard to compile this information in this format to make your life easier and because I genuinely believe it has the potential to save your baby’s life. To be clear, please rest assured, the course content, videos, step-by-step demonstrations, and incredibly awesome workbook that comes along with The Infant Course will never be available free of charge. To continue serving this amazing community, I must charge for my work so I’m able to keep building, growing, and finding new ways to support you. Please hear this: If you decide not to purchase this course, I hope you’ll still consider joining the SafeInTheSeat Instagram community. It’s full of information, updates, tips, and tricks – but more than that, it’s a judgment-free zone full of love and support. Together, we connect in a way that fills my heart, and I want it to do the same for you.

Will this course be helpful to me if I have already had my baby?

Yes! No matter where you are in your journey, your baby will be safer because you’ve invested in learning this information. It’s NEVER too late to build your car seat confidence.

The Infant Course focuses on the first stage of car seat safety – the infant or bucket-style seat. The content on installation and harnessing and the step-by-step demonstrations are shown only using an infant car seat. You may find several techniques, the first two modules, and the FAQ module applicable beyond the infant car seat; however, the course was not explicitly designed for that purpose.

If you’re feeling uncertain, anxious, scared, or confused about something you use every day – this course may be just the stress reliever you need to get you on the fast-track to peace of mind.

Do I need to have an infant car seat before enrolling in this course?

No way! You definitely don’t need to have an infant car seat before digging into this confidence-building content.

The first two modules are all about laying the groundwork, so this is the perfect place to start while you’re waiting on your car seat to arrive.

You’ll learn how car seats save lives and what to expect as your child progresses from one stage of car seat safety to the next. When you reach the part of the course focused on installation and harnessing, I recommend having your car seat close so you can practice by getting hands-on.

If you’re eager to get started, tackle the first two modules. Then, pick back up once you have the one and only lifesaving purchase you make for your baby’s arrival nearby.

By the way, if you’re undecided or haven’t purchased an infant car seat yet, check out The Infant Car Seat Buying Kit – it includes a time and money-saving list of my top infant car seat recommendations!

Can I purchase a gift card?

Yes! The Infant Course makes a great gift for expecting families, parents with a baby in an infant car seat, grandparents, caretakers, medical professionals. Anyone and everyone who cares about keeping their baby safe in the seat! Click here to give the gift peace of mind.

Where is Building Your Car Seat Confidence?

If you’re an OG Safe in the Seat gal, you’ll remember our first course: Building Your Car Seat Confidence. For the sake of clarity, we changed the name to “The Infant Course,” but it’s still the same great content!

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