Pregnancy Driving Restrictions?: 6 Essential Tips for Pregnant Mothers Driving

Michelle Pratt
April 22, 2024
8 min read
A pregnant woman sitting in a car with her hands on the steering wheel

Pregnancy brings about a plethora of changes, both physically and emotionally, for expectant mothers. From morning sickness to backaches, every trimester presents its own set of challenges. However, amidst all these changes, one aspect that often gets overlooked is safe driving. As a mom-to-be, ensuring your safety on the road is paramount not just for your well-being but also for the precious cargo you’re carrying. While in some cases, a medical doctor may recommend certain driving restrictions during pregnancy, there isn’t really any pregnancy driving restrictions in general. But, there are certainly things you may have to do differently or rules you have to follow to ensure the safety of you and your baby. Here are six essential tips for driving safely during pregnancy.

Pregnancy Driving Restrictions?: 6 Essential Tips for Pregnant Mothers Driving

1. Buckle Up Correctly

There are no pregnancy driving restrictions when it comes to buckling up any differently. As your pregnancy progresses, you may find it necessary to adjust your seat position for comfort and safety. Sit as far back from the steering wheel as possible while still maintaining control, and tilt your seat back slightly to reduce pressure on your back.

Be mindful of airbag safety. If possible, adjust your seat to ensure you are at least 10 inches away from the steering wheel to minimize the risk of injury from the airbag deploying.

Wearing a seatbelt is non-negotiable, even more so when you’re pregnant. Make sure to wear the lap belt below your belly, across your hips, and the shoulder belt between your breasts and off to the side of your belly. This positioning helps to protect you and your baby in case of sudden stops or accidents.

  • Adjust the steering wheel to the highest position and tilt upright if possible.
  • Move the headrest so the thickest part is directly behind the head.
  • Adjust the vehicle seat back to an upright position.
  • Sit as far back from the steering wheel as possible. The belly should not come in contact with the wheel.
  • Position shoulder belt between neck and end of shoulder, lying snug and flat between breasts.
  • Lap belt snug and tight UNDER the belly, laying flat across top of thighs

2. Stay Hydrated and Snack Smart: Pregnancy Driving Restrictions with Gestational Diabetes

Keep a bottle of water and some healthy snacks within reach to stay hydrated and maintain your energy levels. Drinking plenty of fluids and eating nutritious snacks can help prevent fatigue and dizziness while driving. Keeping healthy snacks on hand can be especially important if you have gestational diabetes. There is no general rule for pregnancy driving restrictions with gestational diabetes, but it is something to discuss with your medical provider.

3. Minimize Distractions

Avoid distractions like texting, eating messy foods, or adjusting the radio while driving. Concentrate on the road ahead, and if necessary, pull over safely to attend to any distractions or emergencies. Click here to see our tips for avoiding distracted driving.

4. Wear Comfortable Clothing

Opt for loose-fitting, breathable clothing that won’t restrict your movement or cause discomfort while driving. Avoid wearing tight belts or waistbands that may dig into your belly and opt for comfortable footwear to ensure better pedal control.

5. Practice Relaxation Techniques

Driving can be stressful, especially in heavy traffic or adverse weather conditions. Practice relaxation techniques such as deep breathing or visualization to stay calm and focused while on the road.

6. Pregnant Driving Restriction: Take Breaks & Know When to Stop

Long drives can be tiring, especially during pregnancy. Plan frequent breaks to stretch your legs, use the restroom, and rehydrate. Prolonged sitting can lead to swelling and discomfort, so taking breaks helps alleviate these issues and keeps you refreshed for the journey. In fact, it’s universally recommended to take a break around every 2 hours while driving— this is not just a driving restriction while pregnant!

Listen to your body and know your limits. If you start feeling fatigued, dizzy, or experiencing any discomfort while driving, pull over to a safe location and take a break. Your safety and the safety of your baby should always come first.

Driving safely during pregnancy requires a combination of mindfulness, preparation, and self-care.

By following these tips, you can ensure a safer and more comfortable journey for you and your little one. Remember, your well-being is paramount, so don’t hesitate to take breaks, ask for help, or adjust your driving habits as needed, and talk to your doctor about any of their recommended driving restrictions while pregnant.

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Safe travels!

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