What To Do With Expired Car Seat

Michelle Pratt
August 19, 2024
8 min read
A man is holding a hammer and a car seat

Car seats are not forever. Over the years, the parts and advanced safety features wear down and can no longer be trusted to keep your kiddos safe. Because of this, all car seats have an expiry date. This expiration date tells you when it’s time to dispose of your car seat and purchase new.

We know this can be frustrating if you have large age gaps, meaning you can’t use your expensive car seat for all of your children. However, under NO CIRCUMSTANCE should you continue to use an expired car seat. It’s not worth the safety risk! Here’s more on why car seats expire

That poses the question . . . what do you do with your car seat once it expires? That’s what we’re going to get into today! You’ll be happy to know that there are multiple options that are hassle-free and totally safe.

Here’s what you need to do:

What To Do With Expired Car Seat

There are a few things you can do with an expired car seat. But, let’s start with the things you shouldn’t do with an expired car seat! First of all, don’t donate or sell it. If it’s not safe for your children, it’s not safe for anyone else’s either! Additionally, don’t continue to use your car seats as a backup seat. Again, it’s not safe to use PERIOD. Lastly, don’t throw it into your trash can without going through the correct process. We’ll discuss that next!

Recycle it.

First of all, look for recycling opportunities in your city. Sometimes sanitation departments, local recycling companies, or municipalities will have a specific car seat recycling program where car seats can be safely recycled. For more on this, here’s our post on car seat recycling

Trade it in.

Once a year, Target allows you to trade in your old car seats at their car seat trade in events. This is where you simply bring in an expired, damaged, or unwanted car seat and get a 20% off coupon that can go towards a new car seat, a stroller, or select baby gear. (Yes, they accept car seats of all types no matter how old or broken!) 

Plus, if you are a Target Circle member, you can stack the 20% off with your 5% for 25% off your chosen baby item. All for recycling a car seat with the Target Car Seat Trade-In Program! Here’s more on the annual car seat trade-in program.

Throw it away.

If you don’t have another option, you can throw away a car seat in your household trash bin. But, before you do that, you need to cut the straps (I use my resqme), remove all the soft goods, and write “DO NOT USE” on the foam and base. Then, just put it inside of black trash bags (so it’s totally concealed) and put it into your garbage bin! This is so that other people will not attempt to use it.

How to Know if A Car Seat Has Expired

Check the label.

To find out if your car seat is expired, the first thing you need to check is the label directly on the seat itself! It will note when the car seat was made and may show when the car seat expires as well.

Car Seat Expiration Label
Car Seat Expiration Label
Check the manual.

If you can’t locate the expiration date, but have a manufacturing date, check the car seat manual for the car seat’s length of use. For example, if it says it’s good for 7 years, and 7 years has passed since that manufacturing date, you know it’s time to ditch the seat.

Car Seat Expiration Label
Car Seat Expiration Label
Contact the manufacturer.

If you’re still unsure, don’t hesitate to contact the manufacturer. They’ll be able to help you find out the expiration date.

Expired car seats should be recycled, traded in, or thrown away!

Everything has a shelf life, including a car seat. Remember that your car seats have an expiration date, and ensure you recycle, trade-in, or trash the car seat once you hit that date. Never gamble with your child’s safety! Once the expiry date comes, it’s time for a new seat.

For more car seat safety information and resources, head over to the Safe in the Seat blog. We can answer any of your car seat questions and help you have peace of mind on every drive!