Where Should You Put Your Car Seat?

Where Should You Put Your Car Seat?

If you just bought your first car seat, you might think installation is a cinch. However, if in the past you’ve bought 1 or 2 car seats (or dozens, in our case), you know that installing your seat can be a little complicated. Now, it’s nothing you can’t manage, but...
Should You Take a Car Seat Course?

Should You Take a Car Seat Course?

When prepping for your newest arrival, you may feel the need to take a CPR course or a labor and delivery course—even an infant sleep course! But, did you know that there are car seat courses as well? It’s true! All these courses bring insight to a complicated but...
Why Do Car Seats Get Recalled

Why Do Car Seats Get Recalled

Like other baby items, car seats sometimes experience recalls. These seat recalls can be scary for you as a parent. But, in reality, recalls aren’t that common. And, often when car seats are recalled, it’s a simple fix. Furthermore, if they do need a full replacement,...
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